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    Fullstack web developer and scripter

    Hey there, I'm Intykat! I'm a 17-year-old full stack web developer, game scripter, and UI designer with 6 years of experience. I've always had a passion for coding and I work to provide the highest quality results.


    Whether in a team or by myself, I am goal-driven and self motivated. Capable of managing my time, multitasking, and adapting to any situation. I am skilled at identifying critical tasks and strategically managing my work, meticulously and thoroughly finishing my tasks on time. I consistently meet deadlines and can help streamline your workflow.

    My drive and motivation to work is easily shown in the countless projects that I have participated in, including games like on tap. In these projects my work elevates and fast tracks projects.

    See Past Work


    When it comes to my work, I specialize in full stack web development, specifically: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, and Python. I'm also very familiar with frameworks like React and Nextjs. I can manage vps servers and handle things like nginx or help you set up a mail server. I also work with game scripting in Luau (Roblox), and UI design. I'm always up for a challenge and love learning new things, so if there's something you need that's outside of my current skillset, don't hesitate to ask.

    MySQLNextjsExpressnginxNodejsPostgresPythonReactRedisRoblox LuauCSSHTMLJavaScriptRoblox KNITGitHubTypescriptSassBehavior TreesFigmaPhotoshopIllustrator


    Here's a short video detailing some of the projects I've worked on over the years. Things like a game raycaster engine, environmental work, checkers, and so much more!

    Past Projects

    A handful of projects I've worked on.


    On tap

    A 17+ bar game where players meet and make drinks for eachother.



    A module/tutorial for managing audio streams.